In the fight against global poverty, "the right plan is to have no plan."
The book review is balanced, so it's not as much fun as a hatchet job, but it's still worth a look.
In the fight against global poverty, "the right plan is to have no plan."
I'm afraid that it's going to come to open military action against Iran, sooner rather than later.
There was a belief that there was such a thing as society, and its ills could and should be tackled.
That would be an impossibly ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do.
Dennett lives in a world in which you must believe in the grossest biologism or in the grossest theism, in a purely naturalistic understanding of religion or in intelligent design, in the omniscience of a white man with a long beard in 19th-century England or in the omniscience of a white man with a long beard in the sky.
All of Dennett's splashy allegiance to evidence and experiment and ''generating further testable hypotheses'' notwithstanding, what he has written is just an extravagant speculation based upon his hope for what is the case, a pious account of his own atheistic longing.
So it seems there is something special about modern times - these are good times for pathogens to be invading the human population.
Perhaps you too suspect that companies are making nice with greens only for the good P.R. And perhaps you suspect that they only make changes when there’s a profit to be made. If so, you are almost completely right.
Advances in computing speed and power will rapidly render useless all the hashing algorithms currently in use. Not today - the experts assure us that our ATM transactions are secure for now. But soon.
Mr. Dennett believes that explaining religion in evolutionary terms will make it less real; that is the whole purpose of his book. But this is like saying that because water is made of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, it is not really wet; or because the color red represents a certain frequency of light, it is not really red.
Because Mr. Dennett ignores it, treating religion instead as at best a pastime for dimwits, at worst a holding cell for fanatics, he never really encounters the thing he believes he is writing about.
The research team includes scientists who brought evidence for microbial life in another Martian meteorite, ALH84001, to the world's attention in 1998.
The babyish rumor-fueled tantrums that erupt all the time [...] show yet again that faith belongs to the spoiled and selfish childhood of our species.
While there was a lot of policy talk going on, the church meeting felt no different than a nonreligious advocacy group.
Sojourners asked groups to create a list of "moral priorities," but this is the kind of speak that most liberal and progressive folks are unfamiliar with, and ultimately not very good at.
But notice also the creepy alliance between the Islamic far right and the post-modern sensitivity police on the far left. The only extremist religious groups the far left won't find an excuse for are the nutty Christianists.