Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Andrew Sullivan defines Christianism, in analogy with Islamism. He doesn't like it:

What to do about it? The worst response, I think, would be to construct something called the religious left.

Ramesh Ponnuru has this reply to Sullivan, of which you should skip the first two paragraphs.

1 comment:

Scharnhorst said...

I do agree that Ponnuru's first two paragraphs are mostly an ad hominem screed, but I do think that the point he makes about the hypocrosy of applying Christian values to oppose the death penalty and then faulting others for applying Christian values to back causes you disagree with is a good one.

Although I'm not familiar enough with Andrew Sullivan to know if he is actually guilty of said hypocrisy.

You knew that when you said "don't read the first two paragraphs," people were going to pay extra close attention to those, didn't you?