Monday, July 9, 2007

It's environment day on Evil Line. Bjorn Lomborg says what he always says, and since I still agree with him, I'm still linking:

My point is that cutting carbon emissions costs a lot and it provides only a small benefit 100 years from now; handing out condoms and information, however, is very cheap and it works for people suffering from HIV-AIDS right now.

And William Saletan says biofuel is a good idea that won't make poor people starve:

If you want to help poor people, biofuel beats the heck out of oil. In a biofuel economy, the chief asset is open land. Who has open land? Poor countries. Latin America has sugar cane. Africa and Asia have cassava. Switchgrass, which grows in dry regions, will level the playing field further.

I really like Saletan's piece, in its quirky tone, in its Bush as good guy, Castro as bad guy attitude, and in its content.

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