Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A long time ago I posted about the Traveler's Dilemma, a problem in game theory. I thought it was interesting, but when I talked to my friend Patrick about it, he said, "Game theory is dumb, nobody thinks about it anymore."

So, being the contrary person I am, I thought about it, and wrote a quick little program to simulate it, and improved that program, and, well, wrote an article about it that appears in the January 2009 College Mathematics Journal. You can find a pdf here.

The CMJ is not a high-prestige research journal, but it's a perfect fit for this little paper and I'm happy with the result.


Theo V. said...

I have a feeling that there are a few more interesting papers to come from your career :-)

Keep up the good work over there! And remember, no matter how trivial your work seems to you... at least it's not statistics! hehe...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on publication. Can't understand the math, but it sounds interesting.

Tree of Valinor said...

I enjoyed the first two paragraphs or so! Good work! I'm so proud of my little brother.