Tyler Cowen has been blogging about the country of my birth a lot. There's
It is striking how much cooperation and heroism we've seen in Haiti. It's evidence that the Haitian social fabric is a lot stronger than many people thought. It also suggests that economic growth models with a one-dimensional "trust" variable are not furthering our understanding very much. I do expect the violence to get worse, as hunger and thirst continue, but so far the Haitian people have a lot to be proud of.
And some
ideas of how to help:
6. Invite Haitians to occupy the empty homes in the run-down parts of New Orleans.
And Obama's
challenge in Haiti:
Just as it's not easy to pull out of Iraq or Afghanistan, it won't be easy to pull out of Haiti.
Maybe you thought health care was a hard problem. Maybe you thought that cap and trade would make health care look easy. This may be the hardest problem yet and it wasn't on anybody's planning ledger. Obama won't have many allies in this fight either. A lot of Democratic interest groups might, silently, wish he would forget about the whole thing.
There's lots more, so follow my first link and just keep scrolling.
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