Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fix poverty, not with aid, but by making charter cities:

Because Hong Kong helped make reform in the rest of China possible, the British intervention there arguably did more to reduce world poverty than all the official aid programmes of the 20th century, and at a fraction of the cost. And, if many such cities are built, fewer people will be trapped in the failed states that are the root cause of most humanitarian crises and security concerns.
Apparently "we" should just build a million-plus city from scratch somewhere on the coast of Africa with no fresh water, and the world will be transformed. Romer might have identified the right problem in this article, but his solution sounds ridiculous. Then again, it might just work.


Theo V. said...

that's kind of funny. But yeah... maybe so.

However, I can't imagine that the process of starting a "charter" city (or changing the ownership of an existing city to some sort of foreign entity) would ever really work.

Sean D Nixon said...

Not until we get back to some old fashioned conquering.