Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A complaint about academia - it's the usual stuff, too many worthless journals, too many adjuncts, not enough actual teaching. But with a ray of hope:

Coming in one morning recently, I paused to watch a young man walk up and join three students who had pulled chairs together around a table. As the new arrival settled in, he let out the archetypal "That's awesome!" cry, loud enough so that I leaned in to see what he was admiring. He was looking at what appeared to be an animated differential equation making itself visual in stages embedded in a PowerPoint chart. As I walked by, he was practically chewing his lower lip off in his enthusiasm and was asking the laptop driver, "How did you do that?"
I would claim they were my students, but I hate PowerPoint, and I'm not in North Carolina.

More academic complaints here, just in case you need more.

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