Barack Obama: 55
John McCain: 1
Bob Barr: 1
Not McCain: 1
Noncitizen, can't vote: 4
Of course it doesn't matter:
But—for the millionth time!—an opinion is not a bias! The fact that reporters tend to be liberal says nothing one way or another about their tendency to be biased.
Says nothing one way or another? Are they actually serious?
But I'm glad they're transparent about it and actually do this poll. They encourage other news organizations and commentators to do the same. So here it is, the Evil Line staff poll:
I voted to remove Judge James Klein.
i voted to keep him... and i'm also moving my fence 1 inch west every year so that in a decade I too can steal about 20 sq. ft of land mwuahahaha.
You've left lots of good comments here, but I think this is your best. I laughed out loud here at work and everyone thought I was crazy.
Nah, we just thought you were hitting the NyQuil again.
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