Saturday, March 4, 2006

Cardinal Roger Mahony suggests civil disobedience; he says Catholics should ignore a proposed federal law that would make it a crime for churches to offer aid to illegal immigrants. Here in Colorado, Arthur Tafoya agrees.

This is an impressive move. In the tradition of the best civil disobedience, it forces opponents to play the role of the bad guy; it's hard to oppose charity without taking an us-vs-them attitude:

Ira Mehlman, of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, said Mahony isn't considering the costs of illegal immigration on low-wage American workers, local governments, public schools and the health care system.

Though the LA Times suggests the Catholic Church doesn't have the moral authority to pull this off in the wake of sex abuse scandals, I think this kind of action earns respect. And reminds us that the Church is not a national institution.

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